Sandblasted Dolphins Balcony Glass

This was a fun project with a custom design done in single stage sandblasting. It is a bit of an indoor balcony by the top of the stairs. This way you can still see a bit of what is going on while having custom art in your home. We created the design with the client inspired by these fun ocean creatures and some of their environment.

Sandblasting Your Custom Design with Us!

We use a single stage sandblasting process to create etched designs in glass or mirrors. We work with our clients to create their custom design. It can be geometric like the the door and sidelites below, or logos, animals, flowers, words, and more. Our designers create the reverse of the design that will cover the parts of the glass not to be sandblasted - the smooth glass or mirror portion. The exposed areas are blasted with a consistent spray of sand that etches the surface of the glass creating the frosted look only where it is wanted! This process would also be great on colored glass such as blue or green.

And as always, our designers can work with you to create a design as private as you need it - block off certain areas and leave others exposed for the type of view you are looking for!